
Interesting! Just read about Americans trying to fight off that emit hfmarul waves.I highly doubt they will ban Wi Fi in US schools but wish they would. Now in Japan people are starting to carry around little wi fi modems with their cell phones! My husband got one with a new iphone which we purchased for the first time after the earthquake here. I was floored as we had never had it in our house and I did not want it (!). Luckily it ended up being too expensive so he is giving it up. Saved a confrontation about yet another technological advance I don't want to be part of (!) But this means that we are probably bombarded with even more on the trains in Tokyo now etc. I personally need a cell phone for work but try to keep it's use to a minimum. Amazing how many people in Tokyo now only have cell phones and no landlines AND mainly younger people of course (!)
Interesting! Jus
t read about Ame
ricans trying to
fight off tha
t emit hfmarul w
aves.I highly do
ubt they will ba
n Wi Fi in US sc
hools but wish t
hey would. Now i
n Japan people a
re starting to c
arry around litt
le wi fi modems
with their cell
phones! My husba
nd got one with
a new iphone whi
ch we purchased
for the first ti
me after the ear
thquake here. I
was floored as w
e had never had
it in our house
and I did not wa
nt it (!). Lucki
ly it ended up b
eing too expensi
ve so he is givi
ng it up. Saved
a confrontation
about yet anothe
r technological
advance I don't
want to be part
of (!) But this
means that we ar
e probably bomba
rded with even m
ore on the train
s in Tokyo now e
tc. I personally
need a cell phon
e for work but t
ry to keep it's
use to a minimum
. Amazing how ma
ny people in Tok
yo now only have
cell phones and
no landlines A
ND mainly younge
r people of cour
se (!)